Trees, Shrubs, Plants – Our Climate Strategy!
What we surround ourselves with matters. It’s true of friends and influences, and equally true of plants. Trees, shrubs, and plants are key parts of climate strategy; in our personal living space, the block and city where we reside, our country, and ultimately our home – earth.
A single tree can absorb over 48 lbs. of carbon yearly and produce oxygen for 2 people! That same tree can generate cooling equal to 10 air conditioners and contribute to cloud formation, bringing life giving rain! Imagine what plants can do for your environment!
We carry the plants and resources you need and with fall on the horizon, now is the time to dig in (pun fully intended!) DIY or with your landscaper, come in today and take advantage of the Leaf Landscape Supply difference!
In creating or enhancing your surroundings, choose from over 50 types of deciduous and evergreen trees and large shrubs. Crape myrtle, Redbud, Japanese maple, cypress, magnolia, and oaks plus many more. All in sizes to fit your space, sun/shade situation, and budget.
Palms, desert plants, or bamboo in your plans? We’ve got you covered. Leaf Landscape routinely carries the best palms for our area. From Mediterranean Fan to Windmill. In addition, you can choose from over 60 different varieties of xeriscape plants like agave Americana, Artichoke, or Whale’s Tongue. Cactus such as Golden Barrel and Ocotillo, and Opuntia. Colorful flowered yucca varieties, as well as Color Guard, pendula, rostrata, and dagger. We also have the top varieties of bamboo that thrive in Austin such as Alphonse Karr, Golden Goddess, and Graceful.
Shrubs help both our immediate surroundings and the environment too. We carry over 60 different shrubs that are up to the task! Large like cherry laurel, Nellie and Yaupon Holly. Or photinia, viburnum and Japanese yew. Smaller options include things like abelia, boxwood, dwarf holly, loropetalum, and nandina. If more colorful shrubs are desired, try althea, azalea, bottlebrush, butterfly bush, oleander, or one of our many roses. Just because a plant has a job to do doesn’t mean it can’t be gorgeous at the same time!
We also have over 130 varieties of perennials, grasses and bedding plants to bring joy and upgrade your environment: sun, shade, or a combination! The perennials agapanthus, iris, lantana, mistflower, salvia, and Turk’s cap, among others, are all wonderful and useful plants for Austin. As are the grass-like plant liriope, Mexican Feather Grass, and any of the muhly varieties! In addition, bedding plants like dianthus, pansy/viola, and petunia all help our environment. Improving soil health is also absolutely essential, particularly in Austin.
We carry a full line of products vital to both soil and plant health. Compost to incorporate, mulch to top dress, MicroLife products to spur life within the soil structure, and fertilizers for all plant types. In addition, we hold regular Master Gardener classes and clinics and carry free plant related publications by the City of Austin/Texas AgriLife Extension. Of course, our knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer questions as well! Leaf Landscape Supply is your resource for all things plants!