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It’s Easy Being Green

With Leaf, it’s easy being green – even Kermit agrees!

December is still a great time of year to plant. Though many shrubs, trees, and perennials no longer call our attention with bold displays of color, a subtler excitement can be found in our landscapes. it’s also easier to evaluate overall landscape structure for missing foundational pieces – on your own or with your trusted landscape professional. Come visit and bring em’ along!

For a soft form with light green, rounded, leaves, add Pittosporums, or the variegated white and green type. Both stand out beautifully in Austin’s cooler seasons. Dwarf or large varieties are available as well. For a beautiful and stately upright piece that will hide you from a view, or the other way around, try Japanese Yew. With dark green, lustrous, soft needles this plant also takes full sun to shade; a rare trait. For a soft hedging option that does well in Austin, look to Burford or Carissa Holly which are also waterwise. Leaf Landscape carries these as well as many types of Juniper. An evergreen, Juniper is a huge family of plants with foliage ranging from blue to green, forms from strictly upright to ground cover, and foliage prickly to soft. Every yard will reap the benefits evergreen plants in terms of landscape value and beauty!

For those who desire a strictly native evergreen palette – Leaf still has what you need! For an anchor piece try Arizona Cypress with its gorgeous year-round blue silver foliage; it’s waterwise too. Or try Texas Mountain Laurel. Not only is this a very low water use plant, but it also has a spring flower important for northward migrating Monarchs. If a slow-growing native like Mountain Laurel is not in the plan, Wax Myrtle is a great choice for a fast-growing privacy shrub. And, who can resist a Texas Sage with beautiful soft fuzzy leaves? Yup, Leaf has you covered!

And perennials, “oh those perennials.” Except for a deep freeze, or our hottest spells with no water available, tucking in a few of these beauties is always easy. And, if you are simply in it for the color right now, we always have a fresh annual (actually a bunch!) Impress your friends and combine Pansies or violas with Silver Ponyfoot in a setting or planter and – Voila – instant gratification!

No way, no how, do you want to be anywhere near outside? Brighten up your indoor space with a plant or two. Try an easy-to-grow Snake Plant, with many varieties and shapes to choose from. Of course, December isn’t complete without a poinsettia to ring in the end of the year. Grab one for yourself and one as a gift! Leaf has you covered inside too.


Remember, keep your current plants from getting jealous of the new one(s), and pick up some MicroLife fertilizer for them. They will show their gratitude!

If the Boy Scout motto of being prepared is you, we stock frost protection in several sizes and varieties as well.

Leaf Landscape Supply and our Leafies are truly here for you! We invite you to come on in to either location soon.

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