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Duck In!

November – Duck In!   Fashionably late to the Planting Party!

If you missed sprucing up your personal space in October, take heart! It’s still a great time to plant almost anything. Why Duck in the headline? Picture a duck on the surface of a lake; then imagine what’s going on below. Yup, paddling like mad! Your trees, shrubs, and perennials are doing the same thing. You may not see much above or even see leaves dropping for the year. Below, it’s an entirely different matter. The roots are covering territory at a vigorous pace.

In addition to a great time to plant, Austin’s continued strong housing market, means now is the time to invest in your personality and your home’s value. Visit Leaf Landscape Supply; see what catches your eye this time of year and get inspired! Come with your landscaper, your family, or both!

Know what a crepe myrtle looks like this time of year? You might think not much. Many have exfoliating (peeling) bark and interesting inner bark colors. Walk among the evergreen and deciduous hollies to find the berry “hue that speaks to you!”  And, there is nothing like a cool(er) November day to highlight color and textural differences in conifers which tend to get overlooked in the height of summer.

Thinking of spring? Adding WOW to spring is a great idea too. Get those early bloomers in now so you can enjoy them come spring. Who can resist slowing to take a “gander” at Redbud blooms as the announcer of spring? You might be surprised to learn how many shades of Redbud blooms there are. Every home should have at least one! Honey Mesquite and Mexican Buckey are another fantastic way to start your home’s bloom season early.

Add early blooming vines. Try Carolina Jessamine, Coral Honeysuckle, Passion Vine, or Wisteria for blooming beauty to herald spring. November is perfect to plant roses too. Leaf Landscape Supply carries Knock Out® and Drift® roses, tree form roses, climbers, like Lady Banks, and other varieties great for Austin.

Perennials also benefit from all that paddling going on. Spring blooms are always at a premium and now is the time to get those plants in the ground to enjoy the WOW then. Hardy groundcovers that struggle to establish in the heat are ideal candidates for planting now too. Try Aztec or Monkey Grass, Ajuga, or some of the native Texas sedges. Fun fact, now is the perfect time to plant strawberries for harvesting in the spring. Now that’s an edible WOW!

As we head into the holiday and entertaining season, easily add some WOW to your space by adding colorful annuals like Cyclamen, Ornamental Kale and Cabbage, Dianthus, Pansies, and Violas. In pots or in the ground! Don’t forget to WOW your interior by adding houseplants as well.

Leaf is stocked and ready to help you choose for the WOW now and later! Austin has an incredible gardening climate offering many ways to show off your home and personality. It’s an awesome place to live and garden so don’t forget to ask a Leafie how to best care for you new and established plants. We are here to help!

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