Carolina Jessamine

One of the few evergreen vines to grow well in our area and it is native.

Scientific Name: Gelsemium Sempervirens

Plant Features

  • Native to Texas and the southeast and most of the tropics and subtropics of America.
  • This evergreen vine twines itself around trees fences and buildings. It can mound and trail on the ground if left untrimmed.
  • Very hardy with few insect or disease issues and great for butterflies and hummingbirds.
  • This early spring bloomer is fragrant and very showy when in bloom.
  • It can grow both in sun and light shade but blooms the best in the sun.
  • The plant is toxic so don’t plant around grazing animals. Honeybees love it but it can also be toxic to them if they overindulge.
  • One of the few evergreen vines to grow well in our area and it is native.
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