Carolina Cherry Laurel

A Workhorse in Austin Landscapes!

Need a fast-growing, big, deer-resistant evergreen hedge but don’t know where to start?

Plant Cherry Laurel, also known as Carolina Cherry Laurel! Talk about tough, this plant fared much better than many in the 2021 winter weather event.

Carolina Cherry has at least 5 cultivars in addition to the straight species. No matter which one you plant, all form a tight upright hedge that takes very well to light sheering. They’re even used in North Texas to challenge non-native Privet (straight Ligustrum – not it’s sterile cultivars) that has escaped into native areas.

Cherry Laurel has glossy green leaves and early spring fragrant white flowers attractive to bees and butterflies followed by dry fall berries that sustain birds.

It prefers full sun but will grow in partial shade. Carolina Cherry is somewhat drought tolerant, once established and stands up well to heat and wind. Cherry Laurel will look its best if given supplemental water during dry period and amended soil if planted in rocky locations. A periodic light sheer is about all the pruning upright cherry laurels need. BONUS: A mature cherry laurel hedge can reduce noise by up to 10 decibels!

Cherry Laurel 1 – Leaf Landscape Supply
Cherry Laurel 2 – Leaf Landscape Supply
Cherry Laurel 3 – Leaf Landscape Supply